What is Church Like?

What is Church like? Let�s pull back the curtain and answer the questions people ask.

What is church like?

Churches vary tremendously but at Quaystone we don’t have a set pattern that we expect people to know but rather an informal structure that is very user-friendly and easy to follow. Words for the songs are normally displayed via the laptop on the projector and you are free to join in as and when you want. The person leading always gives clear instructions, so you know what to do and when. The congregation is small yet growing and very friendly so you will always feel welcomed.

The questions people often ask.

Can I come and just watch or would I be expected to take part?
Many people start by just coming along to take a look at what’s happening when they first attend Church and that’s absolutely fine. You will not be forced to do anything that you don’t want to do. We want you to feel happy and at home.

What happens if I come to Church and it’s communion? Do I have to take it?
You certainly don’t have to take it! Communion takes place once a month and anyone who believes, loves and follows Jesus can take part. We would never deny you participating but ask you to consider the importance and significance of it first.

How much do I have to put in the offering? What is it used for?
You are our guest and we do not expect you to contribute unless you would like to.
At Quaystone we operate a system called a �retiring offering� which basically means there is a box on a table that you can contribute to if you want to. No �offering� bag is passed around. The offering is used to pay for the upkeep of the Church, the Ministers salary and many of the things we do in the local community. The Church also helps various charity and mission organisations in the UK and around the world.

What happens if my children are noisy?
It is natural for children to be noisy and that�s not a problem. We try to incorporate them as much as possible in the service. You will find people willing to love and help rather than scowl and condemn.

What do I have to do when there are prayers?
In our Church we don’t kneel down to pray yet if someone wants to do so there is no problem with that either. Most of the time we sit with our eyes closed. What is important is that you are comfortable and able to participate or watch as appropriate.

If I came once would I be pestered into coming again?
We would give you the space to make that decision for yourself. You may be asked to fill in a �visitor sheet� so that we keep in touch but if you would rather not do so then that is no problem

Still got questions? Feel free to contact us


Quaystone Church,
Island House Community Centre,
Roserton Street,
E14 3PG

Telephone: +44 (0) 207 531 0326

Email: admin@quaystone.org or pastor@quaystone.org

Due to COVID19, we are currently not gathering together in our normal premises.
We are meeting together in an interactive service on Zoom every Sunday at 10:45am. Please use passcode 181020 when prompted.

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